West Virginia - How To Transfer A Title

Before beginning, please note the following:

  • Only use black or blue ink. Any other color will void the title.
  • Do not erase anything or use white-out.
  • Write neatly.
  • Do not use nicknames.
  • Mistakes can void the document.

West Virginia Title Transfer

Front of Title

*Red = Lienholder*

  1. If applicable, the lienholder will release the lien by filling out the required section.
    1. If there is more than one lienholder, they will also release the lien by filling out the required section.

Back of Title:

*Red = Seller, Teal = Buyer, Green = Lienholder*

  1. The buyer enters the sale price and their name.
  2. The seller enters the exact odometer reading, their signature and printed name, the sale price, and the date of the sale.
    1. Don't include tenths of a mile.
    2. Only check boxes 1 or 2 if the odometer reading is in excess of its mechanical limits or if the odometer reading is not the actual mileage.
    3. If there is a co-seller, they will also sign and print their name.
  3. The buyer signs and prints their name.
  4. If applicable, the lienholder to appear on the new title fills out the required section.
  5. The buyer completes the insurance statement by entering the policy's effective date, the insurance company's name, the agent's name, and the policy number.
    1. Insurance must be in effect when the application is received.
  6. The buyer fills out the certificate of title by printing their name and address,  signing their name, and entering the date.
    1. If there is a co-buyer, they will also print and sign their name.
    2. Write "AND" between your printed name and the co-buyers printed name if you both need to sign the title in the event the vehicle is sold to another party.
    3. Write "OR" if you will only require one of you to sign the title in the event the vehicle is sold to another party.

Other Required Documents

Smog/Emissions Test

  • Not applicable for the state of West Virginia.

Front and Back Sample of a West Virginia Title:

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